Jack O commented on the blue tardis at the foot of the driveway.  When the Doctor and the Congressman attend the show, it certainly means it was an event for the ages. Jack and the band had worked up Werewolves and London since Steve Cohen is a huge Warren Zevon fan.  Unfortunately, Steve left before they could call him up to sing the song, so Robert Jethro Wyatt filled in as the designated howler.

Thanks to Dennis Black, we managed to get some great videos of the event.  Ditch Road was a great tune from the Disco Outlaw album.  Lover Please is one of the standards that you will here at virtually every Jack O show.  Amy Birdsong had just moved in next door and an hour before the show began, Jack and the band worked up an arrangement of the Long Black Vail for her.  The late JD Mark did a great job on that song. There was a special appearance of Tim Prudhomme as Alice Cooper.

The First Porch show was so much fun for both the musicians and the fans that we had no choice but to turn it into a tradition.